GEO Mexico - geo affiliate marketing

Mexico: one of the most profitable geos in Latin America

Mexico is one of the most profitable geos in Latham. This geo definitely deserves your attention 😉 Here’s why:

  • Mexicans are impulsive people. They are very cheerful, and all of them love to celebrate holidays. They are very leisurely and do not like fuss, although they are an emotional nation.
  • The official language is Spanish.
  • Basically, all purchases are made by Mexicans on the phone, which we always consider when creating landings and promos.
  • The local people are very generous and tend to overspend, which has a very positive effect on approval.
  • Health-themed offers work great. The top includes “Weight Control” – an idle lifestyle that pushes Mexicans and Mexican women to resort to simpler ways of mindfulness of their bodies!
  • Facebook is the leader among social networks in Mexico and therefore is the #1 source in this geo.
  • Top teams are successfully working in Mexico, but I would like to note the success of our affiliate, who specializes in the Slimming niche. He successfully run traffic to Chile and copied the approach to the Mexican target audience. From the first day of the start, the geo made 80 leads, then optimized the target audience by age and reached a stable volume of 100-120 daily (the geo is capacious enough, which allows it to be cast for more than one month with excellent profit).
  • You can peep Creo ideas in the spy services or ask your manager, set up the target audience with region exceptions, and boldly launch.
  • Geo is suitable for those who switched from the CIS to the bourgeois — the same texts work in Creo, but the pictures need to be replaced with Mexican motifs.

The size of payouts and geo opportunities will lead to a guaranteed profit:

  • Normalization of blood sugar levels – up to $ 22
  • Health of the cardiovascular system – up to $ 20
  • Women’s Health – up to $16
  • Prostate health – up to $17

We believe that Mexico is definitely worth paying attention to. The Latham market is still not overheated by a large number of affiliates, which reduces the cost of leads. Please write to your manager, they will always tell you about Creo and funnels 🔥


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