Mexico is a geo with minimal competition and a TA that is ready to solve their problems quickly

This week, Everad affiliates choose Mexico. A region with minimal competition and a target audience that is ready to solve their problems quickly. Now it’s great to work with these offers:

Tonerin, health of the cardiovascular system
Payouts up to $23, approve ≈46%
TA: M/F 45+
Traffic sources: Fb, Natives, SEO traffic
Working approaches: Medical blog, Expert interview, Expert article

Bionica, weight control
Payouts up to $18, approve ≈ 32%
TA: F 35+
Traffic sources: Fb, Natives, SEO traffic
Working approaches: Interview with an expert, Personal blog

An interesting fact: Everad offers in Mexico are so hot that we had to stop Eronex for 10 days – the goods ran out. The offer is back in stock soon, stay tuned for updates in your personal account

For a successful launch of the Advertising Campaign, read our global analysis of geo Mexico and its target audience and write to your manager right now.


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