
Easycreo_bot – telegram bot for your affiliate routine
25 May 2023
We want to share with you an interesting telegram bot that will do all the routine for you. @Easycreo_bot is a free bot for affiliates that will help you find fannel and make a creative for any category.
We have already integrated our pre landings into the bot, which show excellent conversion, and for the most attentive ones, we sewed a promo code for payout.
What else can this bot do?
- Download white in a minute
- View current creatives from the spy service
- Get sources with doctors, famous people, TV presenters and other materials to create your creatives
- Uniqueize creative with 99% throughput
The most important thing is that this bot is free, so it’s time to test funnels and run traffic in plus 👉 @Easycreo_bot