
Don’t believe everything you hear! 5 myths about the nutra

No, we’re not talking about the furball on the pic, but rather nutra the affiliate marketing vertical. 

This niche is incredibly popular and, as with anything that gains popularity, it’s surrounded by a lot of myths. In this mini-article, we’ll set the record straight.

Let’s get started!

Myth 1: Nutra is not suitable for beginners

Reality: This is a common misconception about nutra that holds many people back from trying to get started in the industry. It is true that nutra, like any other type of affiliate marketing, requires a certain level of knowledge and skill, but that doesn’t mean that newbies can’t succeed.

Newbies can succeed in this industry if they are willing to put in the effort, learn, and use ethical promotion methods.

Myth 2: Nutra doesn’t work with UBT

Reality: Many affiliates drive TikTok/Reels/Shorts traffic on weight-loss, skincare, etc. just fine; 

Myth 3: Nutra is too competitive

Reality: While nutra indeed is one of the most popular affiliate marketing niches, it has so many sub-verticals and a massive audience, that the competition isn’t as fierce as in niches like betting/gambling/dating; 

Myth 4: You need a big budget to start in nutra

Reality: Not at all. UBT works just fine — with your entire kit consisting of a proxy and an ADB (often, a free one), and self-designed creatives.You can start in nutra with as little as $100; 

Myth 5: Nutra is seasonal and can’t be a sustainable main niche

Reality: That one’s partly true. But while some nutra products are indeed seasonal, the niche offers opportunities year-round. There are always products suited to different times of the year: fungal treatments in spring, joint health products in winter, and weight loss solutions before summer. 


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