Affiliate Marketing Training: TOP Paid and Free Courses
There are many ways to become an affiliate. First, you can independently search for information, go by trial and error. The second way is to learn from experienced colleagues. The third is to take special courses that are designed for beginners and allow you to get a basic set of knowledge that can be immediately put into practice.
The first option is the most time-consuming and long (and costly in terms of draining money, which cannot be avoided). The second is not suitable for everyone, since not every person has arbitrage friends who are ready to spend their time teaching a beginner. And the third one is the most optimal, simple, and relatively fast, as it allows you to apply knowledge in practice immediately after studying the material.
But which courses are better for a beginner who wants to learn the secrets of affiliate marketing? Is it worth paying attention to free training programs, or is it better to invest money to motivate yourself to “recapture them” with the knowledge gained? What specific top-level trainings exist in this area? Let’s look at the answers to all these questions.
Types of affiliate marketing courses
Of course, there are free and paid information products (courses). They also differ in their format (the way information is presented):
- articles or books – text format;
- video tutorials – a series of training videos;
- courses with blocks, explanations, and assignments;
- training in which the teacher communicates directly with the students and gives them tasks, helps, etc.
The first option is designed for those who want to learn affiliate marketing for free. The second one is the same, but it has a different format (comfort plays a key role here – it’s more convenient for anyone to “absorb” new knowledge). The last two types are the most “powerful”, as they usually offer valuable information (but such courses cost 99% of the money).
Which format to choose – paid or free
If you are ready to spend your time (2-5 hours a day), know how to analyze the material and understand its essence, know how to work with your mistakes (level them), and, most importantly, have a free couple of thousand dollars a month, then you can try to learn affiliate marketing on your own.
If you do not have free time or you are not used to risking money, and do not want (or do not know how) to catch the essence of the “information garbage”, then it is better to look towards paid offers. By enrolling in such courses, you will literally be “led by the hand” to the first results.
How not to fall for scammers with useless courses
Scammers are people who make money by selling courses that do absolutely nothing. They can sell training on personal growth, affiliate marketing, SEO and any other areas, but they themselves do not understand anything about them. They have no experience in the field and, accordingly, cannot give anything of value to their students.
In 99% of cases, scammers sell information that can be easily found on the Internet for free. Therefore, it is definitely not worth contacting such “characters” and it is important to know how to identify them. Here are 7 signs of a “typical cheater”:
- No experience in the field. Having asked the scammer to show his achievements in affiliate marketing (for example, cases on a personal website), he will quickly “merge”, because he is simply selling a theory that he either copied from someone or pieced together from different sources.
- Too high promises. Usually, people who believe in the “Money” button and all sorts of “magic pills” or “secret information” come across the tricks of scammers. In this regard, deceivers give out promises like “100% results for a month without draining the budget” (in reality, this does not happen).
- Demonstration of his “coolness”. Expensive cars, villas, suits, photos of a luxurious holiday on Instagram, etc. All these “trinkets” are just a way to splurge because they were rented only for shooting. A really cool expert does not need all this, because he is already known in affiliate circles.
- Emphasis on motivation. Scammers are very fond of pushing for action, motivating, and offering to get out of their comfort zone. All this is necessary in order for you to do rash acts. And if you are told that “you can achieve absolutely everything, the main thing is to want”, it is better to run as quickly as possible from such an unfortunate coach.
- Paphos in the names of training. If the training is called, for example, “How to make a million in a month on affiliate marketing without experience” or “The secret recipe for 100% success in affiliate marketing”, you can immediately close the tab with the description of the training.
- 100% guarantee of training effectiveness. No one can guarantee success. After all, if it were possible, poor people would not exist at all. Therefore, such a “barker” is another sign of deception. If the guarantees are prescribed in the contract (which is legally correct and has legal force), this is a completely different matter. But this does not apply to traffic arbitrage, where everything depends not only on you but also on a host of other factors.
- There are no detailed data about the course and its components. It is unprofitable for scammers to tell what the program of their course will be because apart from motivation, there is usually zero valuable information.
Of course, the features described above do not always allow you to identify a scammer with a 100% guarantee. After all, for example, training can be launched by a beginner in the information business, who really gives valuable knowledge, but does not yet know how to properly pack it.
Therefore, in any case, it is important to carefully study the author of the course you want to take. At a minimum, you should read reviews about the training, and at the maximum, contact students directly and find out what results they have achieved after training (this approach is especially relevant if the course costs several hundred (or thousands) of dollars.
TOP 5 Paid Affiliate Marketing Training Programs
And now let’s look at really good paid courses for affiliates that will help you understand how to enter the sphere and start getting your first money.
When experts-affiliates start talking about training to promote offers on Facebook, most often specialists think of IM GROUP products. The company’s trainers have raised many successful webmasters, as the training here is based on an individual approach to each student.
More about courses from IM GROUP:
- Website Duration of training: until the affiliate receives the first results.
- Target audience: Affiliate beginners who know nothing about affiliate marketing.
- Features: individual approach – personal correspondence with support, gifts for students.
- Cost: $1,100 for the current year (the total bonus is also $1,100).
The curriculum includes the following blocks:
- Details of working with Facebook accounts: buying, renting, farming, etc.;
- Technical part: buying a proxy, installing a cloaking service, using anti-detect browsers;
- Setting up and launching advertising campaigns, bundles, affiliate programs, SPY services;
- Possible difficulties and how to overcome them: how to bypass social network bans, spends, ZRD, etc.
- Creatives: development and creation, unitization of ready-made creatives.
Skanka is the owner of the SKACPA affiliate program, one of the top affiliates, who also often speaks at various conferences. Gives valuable advice on ligaments (in most cases, on a white commodity). Conducts training in the format of live broadcasts, after which he sells their recordings to those who could not or did not have time to complete the training.
Learn more about learning from Skanka:
- Website
- Duration of training: a week.
- Who is it intended for: both beginners and intermediate-level affiliates.
- Features: Apps, bundles from Pepper.Partners, exclusive promotional offers from SKACPA as bonuses.
- Cost: $500 to $750.
3. Nashiba
Courses from Vasily Nashib are released as part of video tutorials, workshops and personal coaching. Beginners are offered earning schemes on white niches, self-confident affiliates are offered on gray ones. If you want to scale up and get the maximum result from training, you can sign up for personal coaching, in which the Nashiba team teaches you how to solve complex problems and work with your team.
- Website
- Duration of training: 1-2 months.
- Who is it for: beginners and novice affiliates.
- Features: it is possible to study within the framework of personal coaching.
- Cost: $499 to $5,000.
What programs for entering affiliate traffic marketing does Nashiba have:
- Training for beginners with an in-depth study of the intricacies of launching advertising campaigns on Facebook. The main principles of white affiliate marketing are considered.
- Gray niche coaching, is suitable for both beginners and more experienced coaching.
- How to work with a proxy (workshop).
- Training program on competent farming of FB accounts.
- Workshop on working with BM Facebook (the practical side of creating BM with a high limit).
- Personal training, during which you can learn the intricacies of working with FB and the secrets of building a team of successful affiliates (coaching format).
- Google Ads coaching, where you can learn about all the intricacies of working with a search engine advertising account and gain skills for successfully launching advertising.
- Working with black niches – a detailed scheme for working with topics that are prohibited by Google Ads (the most progressive methods for 2021).
- Google Ads account farming training program.
- Personal coaching on Google Ads.
4. Major Affiliate Marketing Academy
MAMA Academy has been operating on the market since 2020. But this site is unique in its kind, as it offers training within a convenient platform with a rich selection of training programs. The second difference from competitors is a convenient personal account where you can find out your progress in completing a particular course. The third plus is the rather low cost of education.
- Website
- Duration of training: 30-60 days.
- Who it’s for: Beginners.
- Features: obtaining a MAMA certificate after training, access to a personal account with step-by-step tasks.
- Cost: $40 to $50.
What training programs for affiliates and related experts does MAMA offer:
- A course on tools for effective affiliate marketing: from using anti-detects to trackers.
- Google Ads training program for beginners.
- Native advertising training.
- Crypto affiliate course on Facebook.
- Affiliate marketing training from zero to a media buyer (Junior Media Buyer) of the first level.
Paid affiliate marketing courses have one important advantage over free ones – if you successfully complete the training, there is a chance to get into one of the affiliate programs that sponsor training.
TOP-3 free courses for affiliates
In addition to paid ones, there are worthy free affiliate marketing training, as well as blogs and channels in Telegram, where top affiliates share valuable knowledge with their subscribers. Let’s consider them.
1. CPA Academy
The project was created on the basis of a large-scale network ad1.ru (new name OFFERRUM). Training is conducted in the format of video lessons. After completing the program, you need to pass a test, after which you can get a certificate.
- Duration of training: depends on the chosen program.
- Who the course is designed for beginner webmasters.
- Other features: access to the personal account, the ability to obtain a certificate after completing training and testing.
What is included in the training (programs):
- Profitable traffic drain in the gambling niche.
- How to get passive traffic from YouTube.
- Affiliate Marketing on Tik Tok.
- Free traffic with WhatsApp.
- Setting up an advertising campaign in Google Ads.
- Earnings on communities in Vkontakte.
2. Affhub
A media portal developed with the support of the well-known CPA network Everad. In the spring of 2021, the creators of the platform announced the release of a free affiliate marketing training program for beginners. The course contains video lessons and text. After completing the training, you need to take a test.
- Website
Duration of training: day. - Who the course is designed for novice affiliates.
- Other features: LC, lessons in video + text format.
What is included in the Affhub training program:
- Dive into affiliate marketing (the basics for beginners).
- Instructions for using offers.
- Facebook traffic tips.
- Using trackers.
- Development and launch of a cloaking service.
- Farming FB accounts.
- The subtleties of maintaining master accounts.
It doesn’t matter which path you choose – free or paid affiliate marketing training. Remember that you can only succeed if you have the desire to do something. After all, affiliate marketing is not an easy way to make money, as scammers describe it, it is a labor-intensive job that requires an investment of effort, time, money, knowledge, and the ability to take risks.